Authorpreneur Summit
Access to Sessions

Transform your passion to profit! Unveil the business behind the book and elevate your authorship with 30+ industry-leading authorpreneurs!

Transform your passion to profit!

Unveil the business behind the book and elevate your

business acumen with 35+ industry-leading authorpreneurs!

  • Are you an author ready to journey beyond the written word and delve into the lucrative world of authorpreneurship?

  • Do you aspire to turn your literary passion and creativity into a thriving business?

  • Perhaps you’d like to leave your day job and follow your passion full time?

Join the best and brightest in the publishing world, focusing around their own personal authorpreneurial journey, tips and topics that will help you grow your business.

Transform yourself from an author to a best-selling authorpreneur with five days of informative sessions.

Grab your
FREE Pass Today!


Register now and let's co-author your Journey

from Author to Authorpreneur!

By Clicking "Submit" you agree to our terms and privacy policy.


Register now and let's co-author your Journey

from Author to Authorpreneur!

By Clicking "Submit" you agree to our terms and privacy policy.

About the Summit

Calling all writers! Save years of your own research by learning from writing industry experts. Our speakers have spent decades making mistakes and learning what truly works in this crowded, competitive climate. Start your journey to become a business savvy authorpreneur!

Access this exclusive event to learn from industry pioneers, all on your own schedule.

Each day of the Summit focuses on core topics about the business side of authorship and features speakers who will cover the best software, tools, and more. You’ll also be able to network with fellow authorpreneurs in online, and private forums.

Who Should Attend?

Whether you are a seasoned author looking to expand your horizons, or a budding writer eager to understand the business side, this summit is your manuscript to success!

Don’t miss the opportunity to script your own success story. Turn the page, join fellow authors, and step into the world of authorpreneurship!

Sign up Today!

Join a community of like-minded authors ready to transform their passion into profit.

Meet April M. Cox,
Your Host & Sponsor

Best-Selling Author & Advocate for Independent Authors

April is not just a best-selling award-winning author of children's books; she's the driving force behind Little Labradoodle Publishing.

She has successfully guided over 1,600 authors from manuscript to masterpiece through her 90-day signature program, Self-Publishing Made Simple.

April is a passionate teacher and speaker on publishing topics and has personally launched over 400 books. Catch her insights on YouTube and her free Facebook group.

Why the Author to Authorpreneur Summit?

April recognized the hurdles authors faced in their journey.

This summit is her response to the growing pains in her business and the challenges her fellow authorpreneurs encountered. "We have summits for writing, publishing, and marketing, but we need to focus on the journey from author to entrepreneur. So here we are!"

Dive deeper into April's world, her programs, and her coaching methods. Visit

Self-Publishing Made Simple


Contact us with questions
or sponsorship inquiries.


This event provides authors with information and guidance on the business side of authorship. Attendees are responsible for the application of the knowledge gained. Results may vary.

© Copyright 2023. Authorpreneur Summit. All rights reserved.